About events

Service adaptor connection status changes and executed operations are recorded as “events.”

Event type

Events are broadly divided into three types: “Configuration,” “Monitor,” and “Operation.” A list of events that occur is as follows.


Event related to service adaptor configuration.

Event name


Config pulled by SA

Displayed when a config pull is executed on the SACM at service adaptor startup.

Started to confirm RS control

Indicates that the service adaptor is confirming connectivity with SACM.

RS control confirmed

Indicates that the service adaptor has succeeded in confirming connectivity with SACM.

Failed to confirm RS control

Indicates that the service adaptor has failed to confirm connectivity with SACM.

All tunnel connections disconnected

Indicates that the service adaptor is disconnected from SACM. Typically generated as the result of interface link up/down or line disconnection.

Started to reflect to running config

Indicates that SACM has started the reflect immediately (schedule) process for the service adaptor.

Succeeded to reflect to running config

Indicates that SACM has successfully completed the reflect immediately (schedule) process for the service adaptor.

Failed to reflect to running config

Indicates that SACM has failed to successfully complete the reflect immediately (schedule) process for the service adaptor.

Initialized running config due to timeout

Indicates that a timeout occurred during the reflect config process and that the Running config was initialized.

In some cases, multiple configuration events will appear simultaneously. This is due to service host redundancy and is not an error.

Monitor event

Events related to service adaptor downtime monitoring.

Event name


“Connect” notification from Heartbeat

Indicates that an Up judgment was returned by Heartbeat server monitoring.

“Disconnect” notification from Heartbeat

Indicates that a Down judgment was returned by Heartbeat server monitoring.


Events related to operations sent to the service adaptor.

Event name


Started to process request at relay server

Indicates that the SACM server has started an operation or reflect immediately (schedule) process.

Started to process request at the SA

Indicates that an operation or reflect immediately (schedule) process has started in the service adaptor.

Succeeded to process request

Indicates that an operation or reflect immediately (schedule) process was successful.

Failed to process request

Indicates that an operation or reflect immediately (schedule) process has failed.

Restarted to process request

Indicates that a separate SACM server has restarted an operation or reflect immediately (schedule) process.


Indicates that a timeout has occurred for an operation or reflect immediately (schedule) process.