Glossary of terms

Service adaptor

General name for SMF-compatible devices. The software library “libarms” provided by IIJ is built into service adaptors. This allows for auto-connections to the SMF system and various remote operations by the SMF system. Also, each service adaptor is assigned a “Distribution ID,” a unique identifier that allows individual service adaptors to be identified within the SMF system.

Management code

A fixed character string used to identify the SA code management unit. A user interface is provided that allows you to monitor and manage service adaptors for each management code. A user interface is provided for managing SA codes assigned to each management code. Also, for each management code, a unique login ID enabling access to the user interface is provided.

Distribution ID

A 128 bit ID used to identify a service adaptor. A single Distribution ID is assigned to each service adaptor. When the Distribution ID is indicated in the user interface, etc., the 128 bit character string is divided into a hexadecimal character string consisting of two octets that are separated by a hyphen.

SA code

A unique character string used to identify the SACM service contract. A single SA code is used to manage a single service adaptor.